- Deliverable D1
- Deliverable D2
- Deliverable D3
- Deliverable D4
a) the MMC spectrometer extension for multiple channel
measurements >108 events per spectrum
b) the validation of MMC activity standardisation of 241Am
c) the MMC source preparation with ion-implantation
d) the high-resolution, high statistics measurement of the 55Fe EC
spectrum a lower energy threshold (< 50 eV)
e) the high-resolution, high statistics measurement of the 129I beta
spectrum to determine the beta spectrum shape of 129I down to 0 keV
- Deliverable D5

- Deliverable D6
Summary report of three open access papers, based on
theoretical reviews, submitted to peer review journals
a) the high-precision calculation of electron captures with the
improved DFT code
b) the high-precision atomic parameters calculations of 55Fe
electron-capture decay
c) the improved calculation of energy spectra of the beta
particles emitted in 129I decay