Work Package 1

Advanced MMC-spectrometers for decay-scheme independent
radionuclide metrology

In work package 1 of PrimA-LTD, we will both develop novel MMC detectors for high-resolution Decay Energy Spectometry (DES) as well as extend the spectrometers operated at CEA and PTB. A dedicated MMC detector type with integrated absorbers into which Fe-55 can be directly ion implanted will be developed. This will be the first-time use of ion-implanted source/absorbers in the context of radionuclide metrology. In addition, radionuclide-specific MMC detectors for DES measurements with composite 4π source/absorbers will be fabricated. Here, a novel approach to reuse MMC detector will be demonstrated, namely detachable thermal connections between source/absorber elements and the calorimeter. Anticipated advantages of these reusable MMC detectors are two-fold. Firstly, multiple use of the detectors will be practical and cost-effective for multi-channel MMC-spectrometers for radionuclide metrology. Secondly, the external source/absorber elements and the detector chip can be easily separated after completing the decay spectrum measurement to allow subsequent activity determination of the source.
Both spectrometers at CEA and PTB will be extended to achieve the project goal of measuring 10s of millions of decay events per spectrum within about 4 weeks of measurement duration. The necessary system developments with respect to multi-channel detector readout and data acquisition will also be carried out in this work package.